
Travel Budget

At Chasing Poutine, budget isnโ€™t an issue, itโ€™s a step in the travel-planning process. No matter the amount of money you have or the kind of trip around Quebec youโ€™d like to enjoy, there are ways to save and stretch your wallet without compromising on experience and fun!

Sometimes itโ€™s about saving everywhere you can and backpacking, camping or even bumming a sofa off of a friendโ€™s friend to spare every possible dime. Other times, life calls for a celebration, a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Canadaโ€™s French-speaking province, or a weekend getaway with a loved one youโ€™ll cherish forever. Even in this case, youโ€™ll want to save where you can to maximize the budget for the rest. Thatโ€™s where I fit in!

I believe in saving where you can to splurge where you desire.

Youโ€™re a foodie with an urge to try everything from poutine to five-star establishments? Then save on lodging and tours as much as you can. If youโ€™re a light sleeper and need a soundproof hotel room, youโ€™ll assign a bit more budget to accommodation, but maybe take a few bucks off the total of your Quebec trip by using public transportation or saving on a marketplace meal! No matter the struggle, thereโ€™s a solution!

As far as a general travel budget goes, youโ€™ll find within the articles below a great overview of what it costs to plan and organize a trip to Quebec, as well as learn where to cut back some precious dollars, reduce money spent per category and, if thatโ€™s what youโ€™re going for, travel for cheap in Quebecโ€™s regions!

Bon voyage!